
Monday, July 28, 2014

Personal Learning Networks - Because You Can't Possibly Know Everything On Your Own

Maybe you're superhuman, but I am not capable of being an expert in everything education-related, completely understanding topics from multiple perspectives, or keeping up-to-date with education and education technology without a little help.
Social Media

In 2007, I started using social networks such as Classroom 2.0 and Twitter to learn from and share with other educators. What I have learned is immeasurable. I learn from educators from around the world. I have people I can go to when I need ideas or perspective on issues. I know educators I can call on when I need examples. I communicate and collaborate with people who have helped make me the educator I am. The learning never stops. It can't if you are going to be an effective educator who is doing the best for students. Start with maybe a Twitter Chat like the New Teacher Chat (#NTCHAT) or California Ed Chat (#CAEdChat). You might be surprised at where those conversations and new knowledge may lead you.

For this blog assignment, read the following and consider the resources shared in class about parents and social media. Write about your reaction to the idea of social media in education. What are the pros and cons. Consider how you and/or our students could use it as learners.

Accessibility and Digital Equity - Giving ALL Students a Chance to Participate in Digital Learning

Boys working on computers

It isn't enough to provide accessibility in the classroom for students who need it. We need to
provide equal access to our online education work as well. Read the following article and consider the content and resources we discussed in class. What did you already know about this topic? What have you learned? How will you ensure online accessibility for all your digital content?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Back in My Day...

“I've come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to technologies:

  1. Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works.
  2. Anything that's invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.
  3. Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things.”

I've been reading all of your blog posts and I have been impressed by the thought put into your posts and responses. Many of you made comments that made me think of the above Douglas Adams quote. We all have some experience with technology, but aren't completely sure about newer technology uses such as social media.  I'm looking forward to how those ideas change (or don't) as we continue in the class.

Your Journal Assignment for tonight is  ISTE's Leading and Learning magazine. The article is "Should Students Use the Internet While Taking Tests?"  Is this something you had ever thought about? What are the best ideas from each side? How do you feel at this early point in your career?

Monday, July 14, 2014

Who Are You Online?

What's Your Digital Story
Having an online presence is a part of almost everyone's life today. What will people find if they look you up online? Is it different from what they would see if they met you face-to-face? While some facts or facets of your life may not be revealed on a resume or in an interview, they may be found online. Organizations and businesses today use the Internet to find out more about the people they plan to hire or do business with. Read each of the articles below on this topic. What do they have in common, what is your reaction, and how does this impact what you need to do now to have a positive digital tattoo? What steps will you take for yourself.  What steps will you take to in working with students to help them build a positive image?

Community Question: What website would you hate to live without? Why is it so important to you? Tell us in the comments.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Where Did I Put That?

Magnifying Glass with word Find
Image -
Organization is absolutely critical to success as a teacher. You are going to end up with a multitude of documents, images, videos, spreadsheets, forms, and other before you even start teaching. Being able to locate them when you need them is key. Develop a system and stick to it. I use multiple storage options including Google Drive, Dropbox,  district share files, Diigo, Pocket, Flipboard, and Evernote. The tool I use depends on the type of data I need to save and what I plan to do with it. I don't recommend you starting out with quite so many storage locations! Your flash drive, Diigo, and Google Drive are great starting points for now.  You might also consider Dropbox as a back up for your flash drive. You get 2gb free to start and can access your files anywhere you have Internet access.

Community Question: What's your favorite "Teacher" or "School" movie? Why?

Monday, July 7, 2014

About Me

Picture of Adina SullivanMy name is Adina Sullivan. I'm an educator and proud of it! After a just a couple of other ideas (chef and educational psychologist), I knew I wanted to be a teacher.  The teachers I had during my school career, both good and bad, helped shape this decision. From Kindergarten through 2nd grade, I went to school at Canoga Park Elementary in the San Fernando Valley. Because I was already a good reader when I started school, I was placed in grades above mine for language arts. I don't remember reading in those classes, just the kid who sat next to me and bugged me everyday. At the end of 2nd grade, we moved to Escondido and I attended Conway from 3rd to 5th grade. Except for my 4th grade teacher (seriously not a kind man), I had a great experience. One of my favorite things to do was listen to the teacher read-aloud from books like Charlotte's Web. Middle School was a whole new ball-game. After starting a few weeks of 6th grade at Grant, we moved, and I went to Del Dios. The schools were on a year-round schedule, and when we moved, I was on a new track that was a couple of months ahead of where I was before. For the the first time, I was behind in school. Add the joys of hormone changes and you have one miserable kid. It took until 7th and 8th grade before I found my footing, friends, and fun. Escondido High School was the finale to my K-12 education. I was an average student, excelling in some classes and struggling in others (Geometry - gah!). I loved my friends and the extra-curricular activities, but knew college, with all it's freedoms was where I really wanted to be. I worked my way through school, so my college journey took a little longer than expected. Palomar and CSUSM got me through my BA and Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. After a Master's Degree (online) at Nova Southeastern University, I think I am now done with my college education. That doesn't mean I am done with my learning. I still continue to pursue certifications and other learning opportunities. Two online teaching certifications (UCSD and Leading Edge) and Google Teacher Certification are just two examples of how I maintain skills and grow as an education professional.

My interest in technology began in high school with a programming class. I didn't get to use computers as a regular part of my work and learning until much later. Especially in the workplace (even before teaching), I was someone others would go to and rely on to help them use technology effectively. That doesn't mean I'm an expert. I just have an interest in what's new, the persistence to seek out how to do things, and the belief that technology is now a critical part of teaching and learning. That said, I don't believe that technology is always the right answer. It's about choosing the best tool/method for the job. Always start with the purpose or intention.

The CSUSM/SOE Mission Statement is one with several parts that connect for me, but the one that stands is out is "Create community through partnerships". Though it wasn't a factor in my decision to attend CSUSM, it's a critical factor in my success as an educator. Gone are the days when it is it OK to close your classroom door and do what you want. We must now share with each other, learn from each other, and work together to ensure we are providing to best possible educational experience for students. For me this means collaborating with colleagues in my own district as well as using social media to connect to others around the world. Having the opportunity to now share with and learn from all of you in EDUC 422 just adds to that wealth of knowledge and ideas. I'm looking forward to a great semester.