
Monday, July 14, 2014

Who Are You Online?

What's Your Digital Story
Having an online presence is a part of almost everyone's life today. What will people find if they look you up online? Is it different from what they would see if they met you face-to-face? While some facts or facets of your life may not be revealed on a resume or in an interview, they may be found online. Organizations and businesses today use the Internet to find out more about the people they plan to hire or do business with. Read each of the articles below on this topic. What do they have in common, what is your reaction, and how does this impact what you need to do now to have a positive digital tattoo? What steps will you take for yourself.  What steps will you take to in working with students to help them build a positive image?

Community Question: What website would you hate to live without? Why is it so important to you? Tell us in the comments.


  1. I would probably have a melt down if Yahoo ever stopped working. Yahoo is my tool for searching, email, and other random news.

  2. YouTube! It teaches me anything random that I want to know, provides me with endless entertainment, and has music!

  3. I can't imagine ever having to live without Google. Think about how many times a day you hear, " I don't know, Google it." It has everything and is a serious life saver. Not to mention every email account I have is attached to this server so I'd be lost without it!

  4. is my go-to, can't-live-without website. It's my source for all sorts of news. I thrive on knowing what's going on in the world and I would be lost without it.

  5. Like Julia, Google is the website I immediately thought of. I use Google multiple times every single day and all of my email accounts are through it so I could not live without it. You can find anything on there!

  6. Google. I use Google to locate new websites, to find websites I've forgotten, my email, my blogs, connecting with family, and even my phone is run on Google! I simply couldn't do without it.

  7. I would hat to live without Google. Google is ingrained in my life. Google puts everything in one place for me. Google powers my navigation, my email, my phone, my apps, my internet browser not to mention my search engine. I expect it to power a lot of my teaching and technology integration in my future career as well. If you need to know something you "google it". Wouldn't want to live without it.

  8. I used to feel like I couldn't live without Facebook, because it kept me in touch with people from high school and community college, but recently I deleted my account without having any withdrawals! My most used/needed website or internet application would be Google. It's built into my phone, my laptop; its connected to my education, my friends and family. Google tells me where to go (maps), it backs up my photos! It's almost alarming how much Google has become part of my life.

  9. My first thought after reading this question was, but after reading that pretty much everyone else's response was Google as well, I decided to sit back for a moment and think what else I would hate to live without. The answer I came to was my bank websites. I use these to access my account information, such as transactions and balances and statements. If for some reason I don't have access to my bank accounts online, I usually am pretty paranoid that something has gone wrong: someone over charged me or someone got a hold of my card or account numbers and are making unauthorized charges on my account. I live pay check to pay check and budget everything perfectly. There is no room for any errors within my bank accounts. Therefore, this is why I would hate to not have daily access to my online bank account information.

  10. Google/Google Scholar. With these sites I can look at my emails to stay in the loop as far as paying bills sending paperless digital emails for private/photos and business related matters, networking, listening to music, videos and the like within seconds.
